With the help IndoorDirectionService you can use the navigation
widget for better navigation experience such as turn by turn
Indoor Widget - Explore more widget configuration options
Indoor Widget provides you a first integration that simplify
integration of Woosmap Indoor Map in your web application.
Indoor Widget (indoor-widget-simple)
The widget helps you to search for a POI, calculate the shortest
path between 2 locations and discover the map through POI list
grouped by level.
InfoWindow Simple (infowindow-simple)
A basic InfoWindow opened at London
Localities Api - Autocomplete Requests
The Localities Autocomplete endpoint provides worldwide suggestions
for text-based geographic searches.
Localities Api - Autocomplete (Country restrictions, address type in
Localities Autocomplete requests on locality, postal code and
address types in UK, FR, IT, SP and DE
Localities Api - Details Endpoint
The Localities details endpoint returns detailed information about a
specific point of interest (using the point of interest's
identifier namely public_id), including geographic coordinates.
Localities Api - Details (Autocomplete on postal codes with
Get details of localities using autocomplete on postal codes only.
(only available in the UK).
Localities API - Shape
This sample demonstrates how to display the shape returned from a
supported feature using the Localities API. It retrieves GeoJSON
Geometry from the Details endpoint of the Localities API and
displays it using the map's Data layer.
Localities autocomplete and details
Use the LocalitiesService to autocomplete and get details of
localities, postal codes or addresses.
Localities Geocode
Use the LocalitiesService to geocode addresses and reverse geocode
Localities JS API (localities-js-api)
This example shows how to use the Localities JS API to embed a
searchbar in your web page. The searchbar allows users to
autocomplete for localities and retrieve details.
Localities JS Widget
This example shows how to use the Localities JS Widget to easily
embed a searchbar in your web page. The searchbar allows users to
autocomplete for localities and retrieve details.
Localities JS Widget with custom description to easily embed a
searchbar in your web page. This example shows how to customize the
description of autocomplete suggestions.
Localities Nearby POI
Use the LocalitiesService to find out nearby POI.
Localities Search (localities-search)
Use the LocalitiesService to autocomplete and get details of
localities, postal codes or addresses.
Map Clustering with GeoJSON
This sample illustrates the usage of map clustering with GeoJSON
Map Clustering with Stores
This sample illustrates the usage of map clustering with Stores
Search API
Map Events (map-events)
Handling map events triggered by user interaction
Map External Layer
Add your own layers on top of Woosmap Map.
Map Style Light Grey
Map style useful to display overlays and highlight particular
Map Style Transit By Night
Map style useful for giving directions in low-light conditions.
Map Style Point of Interest
Standard style displaying all Points of Interest on the map.
Map Style Retro (map-style-retro)
Map style with colors inspired from old paper maps.
Marker Click Event
Listen to this event to get the marker associated attributes.
Marker HTML CSS (marker-html-css)
Create markers with HTML and CSS
Marker Label (marker-label)
A Marker Label is a maker with a text label drawn inside it.
Marker Simple (marker-simple)
Adding a simple marker on the center of the map
MultiSearch Autofill Address Form
The Autofill Address Form sample demonstrates how to use the the
MultiSearch JS API details call to populate the address form.
MultiSearch JS API
This example shows how to use the MultiSearch JS API to embed a
searchbar in your web page. The searchbar allows users to
autocomplete for Woosmap Localities and fallback on Google Places.
This example shows how to use the MultiSearch JS API and Map JS API
to create a simple map with a search box. Parameters allows to limit
the search to a specific country and to always search in stores
MultiSearch Map Simple
This example shows how to use the MultiSearch JS API and Map JS API
to create a simple map with a search box.
React Map Basic (react-map-basic)
A basic Woosmap Map sample using React JS Framework
React Map with Localities
A Woosmap Map sample with a Localities Autocomplete input using
React JS Framework
Render Shapes - Circles
Display and style geospatial data like circles or any GeoJSON data.
Render Shapes - Data Layer
Adding Data Geometries. All supported geometries from GeoJSON has
dedicated subclasses attached to the Data layer.